Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Purpose and objectives.

a) To promote philately and philatelic friendship among its members.

b) To assist its members and the general public in the acquisition of philatelic knowledge.

c) To exchange information with other national or foreign philatelic organizations or societies for the benefit of their respective members.

d) To stimulate research and studies in all phases of Brazilian philately.

e) To prepare and distribute philatelic literature and periodicals.

f) To develop and maintain a philatelic library.

g) To maintain a social meeting place or clubhouse.

h) To organize public and private exhibitions of all kinds of philatelic materials.

i) To cooperate with, advise, and assist schools and other institutions in the organization and management of philatelic clubs.

j) To give instructions in philatelic matters, particularly for the purpose of increasing and developing the cultural and historical aspect of philately and, in compliance with these objectives, to assist its members to acquire or dispose of philatelic material of any kind.

This institution shall not engage in any pursuit or act not consistent with its objectives. It shall not discriminate on the basis of age, sex, race, nationality, or political or religious beliefs. Consequently, neither the Board of Directors, nor the members of this Society, collectively or singly, shall discuss these matters in Society's premises' or at any meeting of the society.

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